How to Promote Your Fundraiser
By Whit Hunter
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Without any further ado, here are our five tips for how to promote your online fundraiser:
1. Start with Strong Imagery and Descriptions
Before we even begin sharing best practices on how to promote your online fundraiser, the first step we recommend is making sure your fundraising campaign is set up attractively. Do you have a high-resolution image as the main photo? Is there a video YouTube or Vimeo you can add to make the campaign extra engaging? Did you add your organization’s logo? Spending additional time upfront on attractive images and heartfelt copy will make sure that any effort you do spend on promoting your fundraiser goes the furthest. The more appealing you can make it, the more likely someone will want to spread the word.
Strong imagery and descriptions are vital when you’re marketing your online fundraiser on social media or asking volunteers to share. These images catch people’s attention and encourage them to participate.
2. Leverage Social Media
Use a mix of content across platforms. As social media algorithms search for the most relevant content for their users, it considers the type of content that people have clicked on in the past. Some people click on videos while others are more likely to click on text and images. Use a mixture of posts.
Each platform has idiosyncrasies. Facebook users typically respond better to video posts. Instagram users like high-resolution photos. Twitter users click most often on text with images. Pinterest users prefer images and infographics.
For online fundraisers, it’s easy to showcase different components that will be featured in separate posts or a slideshow. You might want to use a fact or two about your mission and then encourage people to participate. You can record a short video version or a live video walkthrough of your fundraiser site.
One emerging trend on social media is Stories. Half a billion people use Instagram Stories daily, and Facebook’s version isn’t far behind. These appear on a bar right at the top of your feed, so they are highly visible. You can add stickers, overlays, and polls. One effective online fundraiser marketing strategy is to add a countdown sticker that updates automatically to create a sense of urgency. You can use this leading up to the event and to let people know how much time is left to participate.
3. Engage Your Donor Base
Use every available tool at your disposal to get the word out. Encourage board members, volunteers, family, friends, and donors to leverage their social and email networks to let people know about your online fundraiser. This can grow your base significantly and it’s free.
You should also encourage local businesses that donated for the online fundraiser to let their customers know as well. They’ll get some credit for supporting your nonprofit and can help tap into their customer base to participate.
Ask your donors if they’d be willing to share their donation on social media. “Hey everyone - I’m participating in this fundraiser for a great cause!” Often, this opens up a network of people who your posts would have never reached! This can be a great way to attract new donors to your organization.
4. Reach Out to Local Groups
Local news networks and community organizations are always looking for things to share. Reach out to these groups and let them know about your online fundraiser! Post on Nextdoor, put flyers in your local coffee shops, submit a story idea to your local tv and radio channels through their websites. Make sure to include an easy-to-remember link where people can go and participate. You can either customize this link through an online fundraising platform like BetterWorld, ask for a short code (like, or just post the link to your website and direct donors there. One important piece to note: make sure to reach out to local news organizations early! Many times, these groups will have cut-offs that are several weeks out.
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5. Communicate Early and Often
Less is more does not apply here! Email your donors beforehand to build interest, during the fundraiser to keep them engaged, and as your fundraiser is wrapping up to drive urgency. Once underway, multiple emails over the final 24 to 48 hours can help drive participation higher.
Post top-performing items on social media and remember to talk not just about the item, but how taking part in the online fundraiser supports your mission.
Online Fundraiser Marketing Strategies
When it comes to online fundraiser marketing strategies, there’s no “one size fits all” approach. However, following these five marketing tips can help spread the word, make an emotional connection with your target audience, and create a sense of urgency to participate.
BetterWorld is a free online platform for nonprofits that makes fundraising easier. You can quickly create online fundraiser sites and manage your online fundraisers. There’s no coding involved. You can have a fundraiser up and running in just 60 seconds. Our platform of tools is interconnected so you can create a more seamless donor experience.
Go to BetterWorld and learn more about creating an online fundraiser. And yes, we provide 100% free lifetime access to all our fundraising tools for nonprofits.

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