Online Raffles: A Step-by-Step Guide to Successful & Easy Fundraisers
By Whit Hunter
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When it comes to online fundraising, you have a lot of options. But one of the easiest, most engaging, and successful ways to fundraise online? An online raffle!
Especially with the help of the free tools from BetterWorld, organizing and running an online raffle might be your easiest fundraiser of the year. With video integrations, text message notifications, popcorn bidding, and more, our platform gives you everything you need to run the best fundraiser your organization has ever seen.
Interested in hearing more about how our online raffle platform can help? Contact us today to get connected with BetterWorld’s knowledgeable team. We’re excited to walk you through the platform and show you how BetterWorld makes a world of difference.
How to Do an Online Raffle: 6 Simple Steps
Step 1: Understand the Legality
This step may not be fun, but it is crucial. Before you start, ensure you understand how your state’s law requires you to run your online raffle or online sweepstakes. Each state’s laws vary, so be sure to seek guidance that is specific to you. Doing this will not only protect your organization, but yourself and your participants as well.
Step 2: Choose Attractive Raffle Prizes
Once you get all the legal work out of the way, it’s time to get to the fun stuff: select your raffle prizes! If you want to host a large online raffle, consider raffling off a variety of items, ranging from big-ticket items to smaller ones. Some people only raffle off one really large big ticket item, such as a trip or a car. Others will do a mixture of medium to small items. This all depends on your time, bandwidth, and fundraising goals.
If you want to include a variety of raffle prizes, consider things like:
- Dinner parties
- Date night packages
- Weeks of summer camp
- Golf packages
- Wine baskets
- Electronics such as AirPods or iPads
- Themed gift baskets
If you want to raffle one large item, choose something of a high value, such as a week-long vacation, vehicle, or other high-ticket items that would be appealing to your audience.
Step 3: Source Your Raffle Prizes
After you know what type of prizes you would like to raffle off, it’s time to source them. Take a look at your organization first. Who works or volunteers with you that might be able to donate a prize? Consider who has connections to organizations that can provide prizes.
You should also create a list of local companies to approach about donating to your online raffle. Small, mom-and-pop shops are the most likely to donate to help a nonprofit in their community but don’t rule out larger organizations and corporations. If you decide to go that route, be sure to ask in plenty of time.
When you start approaching people about donating to your fundraiser, keep a detailed list of who you asked and when. Be sure to schedule time to follow up with them after your initial ask.
Speaking of your initial ask, whether you ask in person, on the phone, or through email, be very specific about what you’re asking for. People are more likely to say yes when they know exactly what you’re looking for.
Step 4: Set Up Your Online Raffle
Once your prizes are selected and sourced, it’s time to set up your online raffle! Take attractive photos of your items to entice people to buy multiple tickets. Write a descriptive caption to accompany each item, making sure to mention how much the item is worth. After all, you want your participants to feel like they’re getting a deal if they win!
In addition to highlighting your incredible items, talk about your organization and why you’re raising money. Make the rules of your fundraiser super clear by listing out how to buy tickets, where the money is going, and how you will alert your winners.
An online platform like BetterWorld makes all of this so much easier. Our user-friendly system walks you through how to set up your fundraising page, upload your photos and graphics, add captions, and collect money. It’s also super easy to share it with everyone in your network!
Looking for an easy-to-use online raffle generator? Try BetterWorld’s Raffle Software for FREE!
Simple, powerful, automated online raffle and giveaway tools
Offer discounts for larger purchases or give away free entries for sharing
Completely fair, random and automated winner selection
Run unlimited campaigns every year, no fees ever
Step 5: Spread the Word
You can’t have a successful online raffle without telling your friends and family! Share your link on social media, via email, or text messages. Encourage everyone else in your organization to do the same. Make customized social media graphics to make it easier for them to share and sell online raffle tickets.
Want to boost engagement even more? Start a competition amongst team members! Save a donated item to give to whoever sells the most online raffle tickets. Your participants will thrive off of your energy and excitement!
Step 6: Select Your Winner
The prizes have been sourced, the tickets have been sold, and now it’s time to pick your winner. Use an online raffle generator to pick your winners fairly and easily. Decide how you will contact your winners. Some organizations will send emails or texts. Others will post on social media. Build the excitement by livestreaming your winner selection on Facebook, Instagram, or your online raffle platform.
Raffle fundraisers have always been a popular way to raise money for nonprofits. They also engage your audience in a fun and rewarding way. It allows people to win expensive and enticing prizes for a small investment. Since you can sell as many tickets as you want, there is also no limit to the amount of money you can raise.
BetterWorld: Your All-in-One Fundraising Platform
The next time you’re looking for a fun way to raise money for your organization, consider a raffle online. BetterWorld’s online platform and free raffle generator make it easier than ever, at no cost to you. Reach out to us today to schedule your free demonstration of our innovative online fundraising tools.

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