What Are the Best Fundraising Platform Alternatives to Gofundme?
Since the birth of the GoFundMe, many other online fundraising platforms have popped up, and some offer the same product for a better price. For example...
Continue reading →Since the birth of the GoFundMe, many other online fundraising platforms have popped up, and some offer the same product for a better price. For example...
Continue reading →It’s that time of year again; time to think about ways to raise money for school! Fundraising is beneficial for schools in so many ways. Not only does it help support new programs, scholarships...
Continue reading →When it comes to school fundraising, sometimes the simpler the idea, the better. You want to find ideas that will excite people and entice them to participate but also respect the idea that most families are...
Continue reading →There are so many great reasons to host elementary school fundraisers. Not only do they help to provide much-needed funds for activities and other educational needs, but they also work to teach students...
Continue reading →Have you found yourself looking for easy to execute PTA fundraising ideas? Don’t worry! You don’t have to be a seasoned professional to run an extremely successful fundraiser. As a matter of fact, there are so many really good...
Continue reading →People from all walks of life enjoy bidding on desirable items in hopes of walking away with a big prize. This is why school auction fundraisers are usually incredibly popular. With the help of online platforms such as BetterWorld...
Continue reading →Online auctions are a unique way to raise funds for your school, organization, or nonprofit. They keep your audience engaged while helping you make more funds with less effort than some other fundraising...
Continue reading →With school budgets getting smaller and school needs getting larger, fundraising is more important than ever in the world of education. With BetterWorld’s online fundraising platform, you’ll be able to easily organize and host successful...
Continue reading →When it comes to online fundraising, you have a lot of options. But one of the easiest, most engaging, and successful ways to fundraise online? An online raffle! Especially with the help of...
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